Income Tax Advantage

If you are an income taxpayer, your taxes and life insurance premiums decrease. How?

If you are an income taxpayer, you can deduct the life insurance premiums you pay for yourself, your spouse and your minor children; from your tax assessment at the specified rates. As a result, the amount you pay for tax and life insurances decreases.

Salaried employees;

As per the amendment of article 63, paragraph one, sub-paragraph (3) of the Income Tax Law, as effected through article 5 of the Law no. 6327, from 1.1.2013 on, when establishing the taxable salary basis, the premiums paid for personal insurances other than private pension, up to 15% of the salary received, shall be deductible in the process of establishing the taxable salary basis.

The insurance premiums to be taken into consideration when setting the taxable salary basis comprise 50% of the premiums paid by the employee for the savings life insurance policies for the employee, his or her spouse and minor children, along with the premiums paid by the employee for personal insurances such as life, accident, medical, illness, disability, unemployment, maternity, birth, and collection policies, provided that the insurance is executed with a pension or insurance firm located in Turkey with its headquarters in the country.

Tax advantage for salaried employees

The Life Insurance premium payable by the salaried employee can be deductible off the income tax basis, provided that it does not exceed 15% of the gross wage earned in the relevant month, and the annual figure of the minimum wage on an annual basis.

Declaration-based income taxpayers;

The Life Insurance premium payable by taxpayers submitting annual income tax declaration shall be deductible provided that it does not exceed 15% of the declared annual income, and the annual figure of the minimum wage on an annual basis (provided that the premium is paid during the year in which the income was generated, and is not subjected to further deduction during the assessment of the net figure of the wage for wage earners).

How can I benefit from the tax advantage?

To benefit from the tax advantage;

    • If you are a salaried employee, you only need to send your policy payment documents to the accounting or human resources department of your company.
    • If you are a declaration-based income taxpayer, you can just send it to your accountant and declare it on your income tax declaration.

To benefit from the tax advantage, you may reach your policy payment documents via Garanti BBVA Pension Internet/Mobile – “Life and Unemployment Insurance” – “Account Activities” step.